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Best Western heeft momenteel twee promoties, namelijk dubbele punten in alle hotels in Nederland & Belgie en de Get To Gold promotie.
Get To The Gold Best Western Promotie
Met de Get To The Gold promotie krijg je een status upgrade naar het Gold niveau als je tussen 5 augustus en 18 september:
- 3 verblijven boekt
- 5 nachten verblijft
- 5.000 punten verzameld
Het registreren voor deze promotie is verplicht. Dit kun je doen door als je inlogt op Best Western Rewards, te gaan naar ´mijn account´. Vervolgens kun je naar ´mijn speciale aanbiedingen´ en je daar registreren voor deze promotie.
Met de Best Western Gold status krijg je 10% meer punten. Andere voordelen komen pas bij Platinum, Diamond of Diamond Select status. Naar mijn mening kun je, indien je in bezit bent van een andere elite status, dan ook beter gebruik maken van het status match programma van de keten. Met dit programma kun je gemakkelijk matchen naar Gold, Platinum of Diamond. Naar Diamond Select zal niet worden gematcht. Meer informatie over deze status match kun je hier bekijken.
Dubbele Punten In Nederland En België
De promotie waarbij je dubbele punten krijgt in Nederland en België zal lopen tot eind augustus. Met deze promotie krijg je dubbele basis punten, dus dit is nog voor de elite status bonus als je deze krijgt. Je kunt maximaal 5 keer gebruik maken van de dubbele punten, waarbij je niet kan beslissen bij welk verblijf je dit kunt doen. Zodra je je aanmeld voor deze promotie via je Best Western Rewards account, gaan de vijf keer ‘lopen’.
Bovenop deze dubbele punten krijg je nog de volgende elite status bonus:
- Gold – 10% bonus
- Platinum – 15% bonus
- Diamond – 30% bonus
- Diamond Select – 50% bonus
Op deze manier kan het aantal punten dat je spaart dus flink oplopen. Deze kun je vervolgens weer inwisselen voor gratis nachten of andere cadeau’s. Deze promotie geldt niet als je er voor kiest om airline miles te sparen met je overnachtingen. Dit kun je aangeven in je online profiel.
Best Western Terms en Conditions
De volgende terms en conditions gelden voor de Get To The Gold Promotie:
Blue level Best Western Rewards® members (“Members”) who (a) register for the Promotion (either on bestwestern.com/gettothegold or as otherwise permitted) between August 5, 2016 and September 18, 2016 (“Promotion Period”) and (b) during the Promotion Period, book three (3) separate eligible stays* at any Best Western branded hotel(s) worldwide, book five (5) eligible nights** at any Best Western branded hotel(s) worldwide, or earn 5,000 Best Western Rewards points*** through a completed eligible stay(s)/eligible night(s), will be upgraded to the Gold Elite level. There is a limit of one (1) upgrade that may be earned through this Promotion. Promotion registration and Best Western Rewards enrollment/membership required prior to the activity necessary to earn the upgrade. Such activity completed prior to Promotion registration and/or Best Western Rewards enrollment/membership will not be eligible for the upgrade. Best Western Rewards enrollment may be completed by visiting bestwesternrewards.com. No extensions, substitutions, or replacements available. Promotion may not be valid with certain other offers, promotions, or discounts. Promotion is subject to cancellation or change without notice. Please allow for approximately six (6) weeks after Promotion has ended on September 18, 2016 for the upgrade to occur. All Best Western Rewards program rules apply. Visit bestwesternrewards.com for complete program terms and conditions. *An “eligible stay” for the purpose of this Promotion is defined as any stay (i.e., one or more consecutive nights at the same Best Western branded hotel) with the exception of a stay booked through an online travel agency, a stay booked through a tour operator, and a stay booked at a special discounted rate (see Best Western Rewards program rules for further information on eligibility criteria). Only one (1) check-in/check-out permitted per eligible stay. Eligible stays which take place during the Promotion Period but which have a check-in or a check-out date that overlaps the beginning or ending of the Promotion Period, will be counted towards the Promotion. **An “eligible night” for the purpose of this Promotion is defined as any night within an eligible stay. *** Points must be earned through an eligible stay during the promotion period they cannot be purchased. Each Best Western® branded hotel is independently owned and operated. Best Western and the Best Western marks are service marks or registered service marks of Best Western International, Inc. ©2016 Best Western International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Dit zijn de terms en condition voor de dubbele punten promotie:
Best Western Rewards® members residing in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean Islands, France, Great Britain, Italy, Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Armenia, Lebanon, Romania, Syria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Ireland, Turkey & Middle East, The Netherlands & Belgium, Finland, Poland & The Baltic States, Spain & Portugal, CIS (including Russia), Africa or South America who (a) book via a Best Western site or by calling the Best Western reservation number for an eligible stay* that will occur between July 1, 2016 and August 31,2016, at a Best Western® branded hotel in The Netherlands or Belgium; (b) provide their Best Western Rewards® account number at the time of booking; (c) complete the eligible stay during the Promotion Period (July 1, 2016 untill September 1, 2016), will earn Double Bonus Best Western Rewards® Points for the eligible stay. Promotion registration and Best Western Rewards® enrollment/membership required prior to the first eligible stay. An “eligible stay” for the purpose of this Promotion is defined as any stay (i.e., one or more consecutive nights at the same Best Western® branded hotel) with the exception of a stay booked through an online travel agency, a stay booked through a tour operator, and a stay booked at a special discounted rate (see Best Western Rewards® program rules for further information on eligibility criteria). Only one (1) check-in/check-out permitted per eligible stay. Eligible stays which take place during the Promotion Period but which have a check-in or a check-out date that overlaps the beginning or ending of the Promotion Period, will be counted towards the Promotion. A maximum of five stays are permitted for receiving double points.
Ga jij gebruik maken van een van deze promoties? Laat het hieronder of op ons forum weten!
IK ben in augustus in Amerika geweest van 4 tot 28 augustus.
Mijn vraag is kan ik de punten van al mijn Best Western hotels nu nog krijgen, in Amerika ging het niet zegden zij.
Hier zijn al de hotels van mijn verblijf:
Best Western Plus Suites Hotel 4 en 5 Augustus
5005 West Century Boulevard, Inglewood, CA 90304, Verenigde Staten
Best Western Plus King’s Inn and Suites 6 Augustus
2930 East Andy Devine Avenue, Kingman, AZ 86401, Verenigde Staten
Best Western Premier Grand Canyon Squire Inn 7 Augustus
74 Highway 64, Tusayan, AZ 86023, Verenigde Staten
Best Western View of Lake Powell Hotel 8 Augustus
716 Rimview Drive , Page, AZ 86040, Verenigde Staten
Best Western Plus Greenwell Inn 10 en 11 Augustus
105 South Main Street, Moab, UT 84532, Verenigde Staten
Best Western PLUS Ruby’s Inn 12 en 13 Augustus
26 South Main Street, Bryce Canyon, UT 84764, Verenigde Staten
Best Western Plus Yosemite Way Station 19 en 20 Augustus
4999 Highway 140, Mariposa, CA 95338, Verenigde Staten
Best Western Plus Suites Hotel 24 en 25 Augustus
5005 West Century Boulevard, Inglewood, CA 90304, Verenigde Staten
Wat moet ik doen om mijn punten te bekomen.