Voor sommige links naar producten en partners op deze website krijgen wij een affiliate commissie.
Je kunt nu bij Le Club AccorHotels tot 3 keer meer punten verdienen voor één verblijf. Dit verblijf kan zijn in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Nederland, België, Ierland, Luxemburg of Zweden en moet voor 30 april 2019 zijn.
Tot 3x punten bij Le Club AccorHotels in Europa
Om in aanmerking te komen voor deze promotie moet je een verblijf boeken vóór 31 maart 2019. Indien je via de website boekt (of een ander kanaal dat in aanmerking komt voor punten) krijg je dubbele punten. Boek je via de app van Le Club AccorHotels, dan ontvang je driedubbele punten.
Wil je in aanmerking komen voor deze promotie, dan kun je via deze link op de website boeken (voor dubbele punten). Het meest gunstige is echter om via de app te boeken, dat levert namelijk driedubbele punten op. Ga hiervoor naar de app van de hotelketen en klik op promoties. Daarna kun je naar de ‘x3 Rewards’ promotie gaan en daar kun je het hotel naar keuze boeken.
Let er op dat je boekt voor 31 maart 2019 voor een verblijf voor 30 april 2019. Je krijgt de punten voor één verblijf, maar die kan wel uit meerdere nachten bestaan. De punten staan binnen 10 dagen in in je account nadat je bent uitgecheckt.
Terms & Conditions voor deze promotie
Voor deze promotie zijn er ook weer een aantal voorwaarden opgesteld. Deze voorwaarden kun je hieronder vinden of op de website van deze promotie.
1. General Le Club AccorHotels terms and conditions apply to the NORTHERN EUROPEAN APP offer and you must be a Le Club AccorHotels member to benefit from it. New members can benefit from this offer by joining Le club accorhotels during the booking process.
2. To take advantage of this offer, Le Club AccorHotels loyalty programme members must register for the offer between 01.03.2019, through 11:59pm 31.03.2019 (cet) by clicking on the ‘Register now’ button and then following the instructions.
3. This offer is valid for a member’s stay from 01.03.2019 through 31.04.2019 (cet) in one of the participating hotels, and booked 01.03.2019, through 11:59pm 31.03.2019 (cet)
4. This offer entitles Le Club AccorHotels members worldwide regardless of their membership status, to double (x2) their Rewards points for a stay of at least one (1) night, or triple (X3) Rewards points for an eligible booking done via the AccorHotels App.
5. Stays must be made at a participating hotel in the Le Club AccorHotels Loyalty programme in the following countries; Belgium, ireland, Luxembourg, THE NETHERLANDS, THe united kingdom OR SWEDEN.
6. This bonus of Rewards points is offered in addition to the Rewards points and Status points that are earned by the Le Club AccorHotels member for each eligible stay as per the Le Club Accorhotels General Conditions of Use and are calculated based on a Classic membership status level earn rate.
7. This offer is not applicable for Independent Hotels of Le Club AccorHotels properties.
8.This offer can be used a maximum of once per member during its validity period.
9. The stay must be a minimum of one (1) night to benefit from the bonus Rewards points. Any consecutive stays (check-out and check-in same day) in the same hotel, will be considered as a single stay. This single stay will be eligible once for this offer.
10. For the purposes of this offer, a stay is understood to be one (1) booking by a Le Club AccorHotels member for one or several rooms. In other words, bookings that include more than one (1) room will be counted as just one (1) stay.
11. To be eligible for double points, stays must be booked via one of the following channels; directly via AccorHotels (the official AccorHotels websites, the AccorHotels call centre) or through a traditional travel agency whose booking system is automatically connected to the AccorHotels booking office. Stays booked via a reseller, tour operator or third-party online travel agent (such as expedia.com, booking.com, etc.) will not be eligible for this offer. for eligible bookings via the accorhotels app, a bonus of triple Rewards points will be credited.
12. Members must provide their Le Club AccorHotels Loyalty card number when making a reservation, and present their card at the hotel reception desk on check-in.
13. The Le Club AccorHotels Rewards points will be credited to the member’s account within 10 days of the member checking out.
14. This offer cannot be combined with other current promotional offers or advantages and does not apply to groups. If the stay meets the terms and conditions for several offers, only the Rewards points linked to the most generous offer (allowing the member to earn the highest number of Rewards points) will be credited to the member’s account.
15. Any stay partly or entirely paid with Le Club AccorHotels Rewards points will not be eligible to receive this offer.
16. This offer is subject to availability. General sales terms and conditions apply for reserved public rates specific to each hotel.
17. Please specify the reference 010170 in any communications with AccorHotels call centres or customer care services related to this offer
Afbeeldingen ©Le Club AccorHotels