Norwegian weigert compensatie na vliegtuig-panne

Discussie in 'Andere airline programma's' gestart door Goldfly, 6 jul 2015.

  1. Goldfly

    Goldfly Silver Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Beste mensen.

    Een bekende van mij had op 2 juni van JFK naar AMS moeten vliegen via OSL. Echter, door technische problemen bij Norwegian is de vlucht ongeveer 20 uur vertraagd. Uiteraard heeft ze een EU-Claim ingediend, en nu heeft ze de volgende reactie gekregen.

    Thank you for contacting Norwegian on the 14th of June 2015.
    We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused by the delay to your flight, DY7002 from New York to Oslo on the 2nd of June 2015. Regrettably, this flight was delayed by 23 hours and 55 minutes due to an unforeseen technical problem with the engine on a previous departure.
    This delay made you miss your connecting flight to Amsterdam and you were rebooked from Oslo to Amsterdam on the 4th of June 2015.
    We understand that punctuality is vital for our passengers, and Norwegian strives to ensure that all flights operate according to schedule. Regrettably, due to the nature of air travel, delays and cancellations are unavoidable and do occur from time to time.
    Norwegian follows all maintenance programs imposed by the CAA, and the aircraft manufacturer, as well as internal maintenance procedures. We therefore consider that all reasonable measures were taken to avoid such technical difficulties.
    In accordance with the legislations which we are bound by, we are not obliged to provide compensation if the disruption was caused by reasons deemed to be outside of our control. Circumstances that are beyond the control of the operating air carrier are events that are not caused by an act or omission of the air carrier. In light of this information, unfortunately we are unable to honour your request for EU compensation.
    Norwegian would however like to provide compensation with the amount 125 EUR as a gesture of goodwill due to the inconvenience and long waiting time. Please provide your bank account details: Bank name, IBAN, BIC/Swift code, account holder's name and postal address.
    We respect that our response may not offer the outcome you were seeking, however we must adhere to certain guidelines to ensure we are providing a fair and equitable service.
    For the avoidance of doubt, we refer to the relevant verdicts found in the European Court of Justice which apply to your particular case.
    European Court of Justice – C-402/07 (Sturgeon):The EC Regulation 261/2004 does not expressly provide compensation for cases where the flight has been delayed as it does in the case of cancellations. According to the decision of the European Court of Justice in case C-402/07 (Sturgeon), the passengers affected by a delay should be compensated under the terms laid down in Article 7 of regulation 261/2004, when they reach the final destination three hours or more after the original scheduled arrival time. The airlines are exempt from further compensation if the reason for the delay is extraordinary circumstances outside the airline's control.
    European Court of Justice – C-549/07 (Wallentin-Hermann):
    Judgement C-549/07 (Wallentin-Hermann) is trying to define what can be classified as extraordinary circumstances. According to the judgement, technical problems that are found during the scheduled maintenance of an aircraft cannot be defined as extraordinary circumstances, unless the technical problem stems from events which, by their nature or origin, are not inherent in the normal exercise of the carrier’s activity and are beyond the operating carrier’s actual control. Circumstances that are not inherent in the operation of air services are events that do not routinely occur during the operation of the aircraft.
    We apologise for any disappointment our response may cause, we look forward to your reply and hope that we may have the pleasure in welcoming you on board a Norwegian flight when you next choose to travel.

    Ik vind het niet relevant wat ze schrijven, zij zijn toch eindverantwoordelijk naar hun klanten voor technische mankementen en vertraging, en niet een andere instantie?

    Ik zou haar adviseren om te reageren dat ze het aanhanging maakt bij het europees hof, wat geloof ik een logische vervolgstap is als de maatschappij je claim onterecht afwijst.

    Wat denken jullie? Sorry voor de lap tekst en bedankt voor jullie advies.
  2. TheFlyingDutchboy

    TheFlyingDutchboy Gold Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Huzar vs Jet2. Technische mankementen valt niet onder overmacht!
  3. Mike

    Mike Blue Tier

    Leuk Bevonden:
    DIT is de lijst die je moet hebben om een beeld te krijgen wat is wel en wat is niet extraordinary
  4. Goldfly

    Goldfly Silver Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe kom ik erachter wat er precies aan de hand was? Als ik het aan Norwegian vraag, krijg ik dan een eerlijk antwoord...?
  5. high_class

    high_class Silver Member Captains

    Leuk Bevonden:
    kan je moeilijk achter komen. het feit dat ze compensatie willen geven verraad eigenlijk al dat ze fout zitten. Het hangt een beetje af qua maatschappij of ze soepel zijn. KLM en cathay in mindere mate waren soepel voor mij. Transavia kwam met leugens etc en heb ik uiteindelijk maar laten zitten (bij de Nederlandse Inspectie van Leefomgeving en Transport een klacht ingediend, die het vervolgens doorstuurde naar de Griekse versie, die vervolgens transavia belde om een verhaal te krijgen wat weer nadelig was voor de passagiers)

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